Sunday, October 19, 2014


Fear Of Missing Out – a form of social anxiety, whereby one is compulsively concerned that one might miss an opportunity for social interaction, a novel experience, profitable investment or other satisfying event. The fear is especially associated with modern technologies such as mobile phones and social networking services.

Obviously this acronym is a real thing. Wikipedia said so. Too many times than I can even count, I find myself worrying about all the things I am and have been missing out on by picking up and moving clear across the country. Can you believe that was almost four years ago?  My, my time flies.

But seriously…at the beginning I worried that I would miss my family, that I would miss my friends, that I would go entire seasons (yes it pains me that it’s plural) watching my Dawgs NOT from the comfort of Sanford Stadium #gloryglory, that I would start to forget how much I love the humid air….Oh wait, not that last one. But the struggle was real.

Now, although those same worries still exist, there are much more significant life events that I loathe not being a part of. I hated not seeing little baby Sam until he was nearly six months old, I hated missing my dad’s retirement party, countless weddings, baby showers, bridal showers, Christmases, more time with Grandma, two of my favorite friends each having little girls of their own, and the list could go on.

But every morning I wake up in paradise thanking God that I had the courage to give the unknown a try.  I was real lucky when I moved here having never been to Tahoe, or out West at all for that matter. Tahoe couldn't have been a more pleasant surprise. I spend weekends at the beach or snowboarding, both within minutes of my house. After work I can load up the car and go paddle board for a few hours before the sun goes down. I can hike or ride my bike to the top of a mountain for unparalleled views of this beautiful world we live in. I am experiencing things that five years ago I would have never thought were possible - like weekend trips to San Francisco, Napa, or Yosemite National Park.

But I have figured out real fast that more important than the things that I do or the places that I go are the people that I do or go with. I have been so blessed to have made a framily* here. Each time I miss an event at home I am reminded of the love I have been shown by my Tahoe framily, a love that I would have never known if I failed to get in that car on January 2, 2011. 

I guess it’s really all about the give and take - sacrificing some important things for other different, but equally as important, things. So when I start to feel disconnected to my home and those very special people there I thank my lucky stars for Instagram, iPhones, email, and airplanes.


I LOVE this quote!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Warmer Weather Finally Made It

Womp, womp I already know how silly my summer recap looks next to the posting date. So what if this post is slightly delayed. Alright, it's pretty late. But better late than never, right? Can I blame it on writer’s block?

What I really have to blame is the fact that there are so many amazing things to do in Tahoe! Annnnd in the summer it does actually get warm here, kind of. Mind you it is now cold, snowing, and snowboarding is in full swing. I realize I should have been posting all along, and for that I apologize.

I went from being in a winter wonderland to going to the beach each weekend. Or afternoon. There are just as many beaches in Tahoe as there are ski resorts, even ones you can hike to. To get to the beach at home you’d have to drive at least 5 hours. Nope, not here. Straight from snowboarding to sand. But if you know me well enough, you know it’s not the beach part that gets me: it’s the lake. I LOVE the lake. I like boats, I like swimming, I like jet skiing, I like tubing, I like water. Get serious - I grew up on/in water. Every day, every summer…water, water, water.

So needless to say I really enjoyed my first summer here and will probably just let these pictures do the rest. They need little or no introduction. And can I please remind you that the following pictures are indeed where I live. Yes, I repeat, I live here. I know-pretty schweet right?

June 6th, 2011: While everyone back in Georgia was going to the pool and applying that SPF I was still worrying whether I should put chains on or not. But don't be alarmed...I promise these pictures take a quick turn towards sunshine and sand.

Less than a month later we found ourselves spending every free moment at the beach. By the way-to all those fair skinned, like myself, you may want to try a little stronger in your SPF. 30 doesn't work at altitude. A couple of trips to the beach and raft down the Truckee River later I realized it wasn't a bad bottle of sunscreen.

One of our favorite spots is Hidden Beach. You have to park on the side of the road and take a little hike on down the boulders to Hidden. The nice thing about Lake Tahoe is that there's no need to bring a cooler. All you need to do is shove things down where the water meets the sand as if it were ice...and well, you get the picture. That water is a constant cold.

When Mom and Dad came to visit this summer we spent a day out at Burnt Cedar. You can't see but there's a pool and a snack bar back behind the beach. Does it get any better than having all that in one place?! Oh and you can get your serve on...there's volleyball and a park. Way to go Incline Village on keeping your beaches top notch.

I feel like I'm doing y'all a disservice by posting these all in one post. So be on the look out for random pictures of summertime and my adventures out on the lake. I've got more coming for you!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Go Bravos!

They say victory is sweet, and they’re definitely right, especially if it’s on someone else’s turf. It’s not that I have anything against the Giants, in fact, I’ve actually come to appreciate the team and may or may not have followed them a wee bit this season. Buttt, I got the chance to go to a Braves game this year. I love Braves games! This time, though, was unlike any other game I’ve ever been to. I watched my Braves play (and WIN!) against the Giants in San Francisco. It was awesome! Troy, Jaymee and I hopped in the car early one Saturday morning and hit the road heading west. Of course, we had to make a pit stop at Starbucks before heading off to SF. I convinced these two that going to a game would be so much fun….as long as we could go for the Braves. I was definitely outnumbered in my navy and red, but it’s all good. But then, much to my disappointment, every person donning a Braves ball cap replied to my question with “No, not from Georgia. Just a fan.” L Oh well! We got to go to a great game (really it was a great game), see AT&T park and enjoy a good afternoon of baseball. I’m not quite sure why I find this so fascinating…but y’all…I went to a Braves game in California. I went to a game all the way across the country!
And here's my attempt at capturing the jumbo screen. Failboat.

My next baseball adventure we got to spend a little more time in the city. Esther, Mike, OG and I peaced out from Tahoe and headed off for the A’s vs. Yankees game. Yeah, yeah, yeah the Yankees won. Honestly I really could have cared less about who won that game, but it was pretty cool to see the Yankees play…never done that before. We were able to spend a little more time in San Francisco this time, rather than just a day trip. Helllllo civilization, shopping, places to eat open after 9, people, a little more humidity in the air. It was such a great time because Esther (oh, sweet Esther) got to witness her first American baseball game…ever! She’s from Spain and we were culturizing her, if you will. Womp, womp though-who would of thought that the beginning of June would be chillllly. Well, I suppose out here on the West Coast, it is. Just a little insight into my sporting event experiences that don't revolve around the Dawgs or Atlanta.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

My Visitors!

So since my last post…sorry, that was quite a long time ago…. I have had a few visitors. My sweet little (cough, cough not so little) brother spent his spring break in Tahoe!! I was so happy to see him that I literally almost burst in to tears when I went to pick him up from the airport. Keep in mind this was the first familiar face I’d seen since I dropped my daddy off at the airport when I first moved away from home. So my broha and I had quite a time. I think it also helped that I have boy roommates that he became friends with and could hang out with when I had to work and was lame and had to go to bed early in order to get my beauty rest for my 8am shifts. He got to meet all my friends and we got to go skiing at Northstar, which I’m pretty sure is my favorite resort. The day we skied Northstar just so happened to be the day Shaun White decided to display his skills on the slopes. Cool, us too. NOT! So that day was actually my first powder day, ever. Failboat. We had so much fun but I think we spent as much time getting up out of the snow as we did actually heading down the mountain. Needless to say it was beautiful and so great to spend time with Jason. The last time we’d skied together was my senior year of high school….wow.
We also got to drive around the lake. We got out and explored at Emerald Bay. I tried to convince him he wanted to come back and work in Tahoe for the summer, no luck there. Thanks summer school for taking my brother away from me. We had a blast, though and I loved getting to show him where I live now. I think he really enjoyed it, because up here everything is so pretty and natural (he’s the outdoor type). When I had to work he got to explore a little on his own and got some skiing in. It worked out well because I got a little extra time off while he was in town but then the few days I worked, he got some time on his own. It also snowed an awful lot before and while he was here. He got to experience mountain life firsthand. He witnessed my first bear siting and Madea (my little Honda civic) wear chains. Of course, right after we saw the bear was when we couldn’t make it up the hill in the snow. So out of the car we went to chain her up (much to Jason’s dismay…I suppose he’s not fond of bears). Well due to bad weather, we ended up taking him down to Reno the night before his flight left. I checked him into to Hyatt Place by the airport (thank you Hyatt for employee discounts….amazing) and went back up the mountain. Yes, this time I was in tears. Dislike on dropping him off after such a wonderful week with my brother. Thank you Jason for spending your spring break with me! I love you!
Next came Heather! However, thanks to Mother Nature we never quite got to Tahoe…but we did get to spend time in the city! It was so nice to have my bfer in the same time zone. I loved catching up with her and am so blessed to have a friend travel across the country to visit! We got to walk around the Ferry Building, Fisherman’s Warf, Ghiradelli Square, and Union Square. San Francisco is such a neat city with so much to do and see. I definitely would like to go back and spend more time there. Our eyes were opened in SF. We saw a burly looking ladies. Oh wait, those weren’t ladies. Helloooo transies. I will admit, as cool as the city was-there were a few sites you just won’t get many other places. I also think we got the best work out. Walking around town involves hills, lots of hills, hills that put Brumby to shame. But walking all those hills was good because we worked off our snack at the Ghiradelli factory. Yummmmy! We helped ourselves to good food and good wine. The Ferry Building (right across the street from where we were staying…thank you again Hyatt for employing me) had several specialty stores. One of which was cheese and one of which was wine. We picked out some cheese and a good bottle and had good, ole fashioned girl time! Much needed because I miss my Heather and we had so much to catch up on. We also noticed just how many Starbucks are in San Fran. Seriously, there had to be more in SF than in all of Georgia. A coffee drinker won’t go thirsty there. Heather, thanks for exploring SF with me and I look forward to more adventures with you! I love this employee rate for Hyatt, now we have a good excuse to travel!
Mommy dearest and Cindy came next! I think Mom was in Heaven. For those of who know her know that she loves snow! She even told me she doesn’t think she’s ever seen this much snow in all her life…put together. Once Cindy got to town we took a little trip down to South Lake and went up the gondola at Heavenly. We took the gondola to the top of the mountain where you could see the lake and all the surrounding mountains.
Cindy and THE lake!
Mama and all her snow.
I took them all the way around the lake, too. I think the narrow road before you get to Emerald Bay freaked Mom out a little (and by a little I mean a lot). Needless to say it is a road with a straight shot downward on either side. It is very windy and very narrow…with no guard rail. I think that’s what scares me the most is that there is nothing between you and down, down, down. We stopped there to show them around and took a peak down at the tea house. Cindy was brave enough to rough the snow and treck down from the lookout on her own. Mom and I stuck to the beaten path. My ballet flats didn’t fair well in the snow. You’d think I would have learned by now. We also go to take a tunnel tour at the Cal-Neva. The Cal-Neva is a casino hotel that sits on the California/Nevada stateline. It was owned by Frank Sinatra once upon a time and we got to take a look around and hear stories from when the mafia, Marilyn Monroe, and Frank Sinatra used to frequent Tahoe. It was very cool and a little history lesson all wrapped up into one.
Hey Mom.
 While Mom was in town she brought a little bit of home with her. Her cooking skills! Mom made me and a few of my friends breakfast, which of course included grits. Mmm hmm, that’s some good cooking right there! It was so nice to spend time with my Mom and Cynthia and comforting to have a taste of home. There’s nothing like waking up to your mom’s cooking. I’m so glad y’all got to come out and visit and can’t wait for the next time you come see me! I hope you enjoyed Tahoe because I loved having you.
I didn’t realize before quite how much I’d miss home. Seeing each of your smiling faces means so much to me and I am so very grateful you came to visit me!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Mountain Life

It's been snowing like crazy up here. 6 feet to be exact. Oh don't worry about that....Yes I sank down to my waist just trying to make it to the car. This seriously brings a whole new meaning to the word blizzard. I understand no one here would consider the last couple of days a blizzard...but I did! It was nuts! I'm completely serious when I say I've never seen this much snow in my entire life. In fact, this is our deck. Lucy usually goes out the to play, not today! We opened the door and she took one look outside before turning around and going downstairs. I reckon that's just a little too much for her to frolick in. She might get lost in all that.
Below you'll find my way out the front door. Before Adam so kindly shoveled it, I had to jump up in the snow, sink, jump to my next step, sink, and repeat until I got to the driveway. I love this, I really do. But, this much snow makes me thankful for the boots I got for Christmas. If I didn't have those boots and snow pants I'd be s.o.l. Before the snow shoveling takes place it literally is so funny to manuveur you're way around in the snow. I seriously felt like I was wading through the snow. I thought it was absolutely hilarious. Those who had been here in the snow before didn't find it quite as funny, more so annoying. Oh well, here's where my simple mind comes into good use and I find joys in life's simple things.

You'll see how the path continues and it's like walking through a maze. At home they have corn mazes for Halloween and it's a blast. I think snow mazes would be a hit, just a thought.

So it's really worked out that each time it's snowed, I conveniently have off work the next day. That means I can put off shoveling around my car. The other convenient thing is that when I have off, my roommates still have to work. So while I'm busy sleeping in, they get to do a little snow removal dance. Then, when I wake up all the snow is magically gone from our driveway...With the exception of on top of my car which fills the driveway back up upon knocking it off the top. That part I am responsible for shoveling. I would normally feel bad for not pitching in, but I live with a bunch of dudes. They shovel snow. I make them cupcakes. We call it even. That's the really great thing about living with a bunch of guys. They take great care of me. I'm like the little sister in the house. I'll be honest - I was a little hesitant at first, but it's worked out so well.  They're all really great guys and work at the Hyatt, too. It's nice because they've helped me with my car, gotten me acquainted with this snowy mountain life, and when we all go out I never have to worry about creepers...There are four guys who've got my back and won't let a thing happen to me. I think they all secretly like having a girl around, too. The house stays a little cleaner, I make cookies and cupcakes all the time, and I've given out girl advice. Needless to say, I quite enjoy living in the "frat house."

Today Rachel and I braved Mt. Rose and headed down to Reno. So the morning started off with Starbucks and then we put on the chains. Interesting how Rachel and I are the two most unlikely mountain women out there putting on chains and braving the snow. Go us! We weren't sure how the roads were and would rather be safe than sorry. Half way up the mountain though, we decided it'd be better just to take them off. The roads here are kept pretty clear and we were quite impressed with Mt. Rose Highway. It also was a beautiful drive. Now that the snow storm has passed, we're left with all the snow and blue skies. Such a beautiful sight!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I'm Learning

From a very early age (no seriously check the grammar in this quote) I've had an "I do it myself" attitude. That definitely has its pros and cons. I've made a lot of people mad by taking this approach in life, but I've also made those same people very proud when I actually succeed at what I'm trying to accomplish. This applies to moving out to Tahoe. "I do it myself." However, I've learned that doing it alone can be pretty taxing when your across the country from everything and everyone you've ever known. Sometimes all you want to do is run home to Mom and Dad's for some good comfort food and a big hug. And sometimes you just can't do that. I knew that by graduating I would truly be stepping out into the real world and on my own. What I didn't realize was just how much I took for granted. Here I'm learning how to do things on my own, everything, even if I don't want to. I mean I've definitely got friends here who would drop anything to help me, but the things I'm learning I have to do on my own...A part of growing up, I suppose. You'd think that with a college degree under my belt (the fine institution of UGA, I might add) that I'd be good to go. Well, there's a lot more to life than what you'll find in a text book. I actually am very proud to be a student who may not have graduated at the top of the class (and definitely not at the bottom either), but I did graduate with common sense and the capability to manage a balanced life. However, there are just some things that can only be learned by experience.

I'm learning how to live my life here and enjoy every moment of it while staying close to those at home. Living far away from so much that you love is difficult and I'm learning how to be in Incline and still be as much of a part of home as I can. I tell you what, the time zones get me every time. They make it very hard to keep in touch. I'm learning that I can be here and love it and still love home. Your heart grows. When it finds something new, it doesn't always have to knock something out of the way. It learns to make room and share. But just an fyi to everyone out there...yes, I stalk you on facebook. Yes, I keep up with your twitter updates. Yes, I love to look at pictures of everyone simply because I miss you and I want to see what you're up to. I love getting updates from people. It may take me a while to get back and I'll be the first to admit that I'm horrible at returning phone calls, texts, emails, etc. I love getting them, they make my day. But I usually check it or read it, then something comes up (or I'm just really tired), and I just plain forget to get back to you...I will eventually, though, I promise. So seriously, drop me a line, tell me about your life, update me, let me know what's going on. It makes me so happy to hear what's going on back home and how y'all are doing.

I'm learning to take risks. Life's about taking risks. You might fail, in fact, I have. It happens. But with failure comes learning from your mistakes and where to go next. You just have to hop right up and head down a different path now that you know where not to go and what not to do. And then again, you might win. But you never know. And I can't let life pass me by while I wait for something good to fall into my lap, it doesn't work that way. I have to try and I have to take risks. Well, here it is. I risked everything for a new life in Tahoe. I didn't know how it would turn out. I didn't know if I'd make any new friends, or if I'd fit in. I didn't know if I'd like my job or if I'd be any good at it. I didn't know if I would succeed or be able to make it on my own. I had no idea. I came to Tahoe with a dream. To begin a new life, not a new me, just a different part of me. I needed to expand. Get out. Experience. See the world. I am here because of the love and support of some very dear people. I am so blessed to have people who love me and care for me. Those of you who call to say 'you're in my prayers', or those who write to say 'I'm thinking of you'...That's what gets me through my day. That is what motivates me, helps me, gets me going. I'm in a new place all by myself but yet I'm completely surrounded by the love and support of so many familiar voices. Thats is incredibly comforting.

I'm learning that not everyone is like me. And that it's ok. I mean, I definitely knew this before. But here not only are there people different than I, but now I'm the only one who's different. But it's actually working out pretty well, I've turned into the token southern girl I suppose you could say. I've found myself a pretty great group of friends out here. We have a lot in common, but a lot of differences. We all come from different places and bring different aspects to the table. However, we share similar opinions in respect to important things like character, values, and work ethic. It's nice to have those "few good men" (or women) around and although we're each very different, I know I could go to them with anything and they'd be there for me in a heartbeat. There have already been so many times I've thanked God for putting such wonderful new friends in my life to help me through some difficult times, to be my friend, and just plain get me acquainted with a new town and unfamiliar life.

I'm learning how to be responsible for myself. Out here I have no one to fall back on. This can most easliy be expressed through my financial responsibility. I'm learning to get by from paycheck to paycheck. Not that my parents wouldn't help me out if I really needed it, but I'm learning that what I make is what I got. No one's going to pay my rent, or take me shopping, or buy my groceries. I'm learning to make ends meet where they have to and where to cut the extra spending. I'm just so happy to have a full time job and friends in the same boat as I am. We are all on the same page about how and how not to spend our money. It's ok when you're poor....just as long as you've got people right there along side of you. You learn to do poor things together. Anyone looking to graduate college soon, I'll teach you my tricks. But, I'll admit this learning point is a work in progress, and will be for some time.

I'm still learning...I'm learning that it's good to do things myself, but that's it is ok to turn to others for help.

Monday, February 21, 2011

I'm baaaaaaaack

Since I've been out of commission a was Mama's BIRTHDAY last week. Happy Birthday Mom! I love you and I wish I could have been there to celebrate with you, at least I got to wish you happy birthday over the phone!

It's been snowwwwing here, snowing like crazy! Well, not so much anymore but it did snow for three days. We have so much snow here now and I love it! There's so much snow that if this happened in Georgia the whole state would shut down and no one would know what to do. It'd be a white blanket of nothingness on the road, empty grocery store shelves, and snowball fights everywhere. I was even off of work for the two days it was snowing. How awesome, right? Wrong. I was sick. Poor, poor, pitiful me. Just kidding, I'm much better now and feeling like a champ. Since I missed my powder days last week I'll knock em out this week when I'm off. I'm excited to hit the slopes after the snow-hopefully it won't hurt so bad when I (ever so often and ungracefully) fall. Maybe it'll feel like marshmallows under my behind, I'll let you know on that. Although I was posted up in bed for the better part of my "weekend," I was able to make it outside for a hot minute and experience this snowflake miracle! Lucy even enjoyed the snow....and how she manages to find the pine cones in all this, I have no idea.
She loves pine cones. You don't even have to throw them for her, she tosses them around on here own. Isn't she precious?! Although I felt terrible this day I made it outside with my hot tea in hand and made it down the hill for a sled ride. Pretty amazing, I'll admit. In this much snow even 22 year olds have a playground. It was awesome! I'm really excited about my days off  this week so I can play in the snow all day. I'm completely serious.

Don't get me wrong, it's so pretty while it's snowing and I do like watching it fall. But I like it a lot better when it's stopped and settled on the ground. That way when I shovel my car out of multi feet of snow, I don't have to do it again. And again. And again. One time is good. As much as I like the snow here, shoveling it out of the way is a pain in the rear end. And in the back. I never realized before quite how hard it would be shovel out my car until I did it and did it while I was sick. No bueno. However, it's a pretty good workout. You can't move out here and not stay active, even daily tasks lead to cardio.

Last week was quite a week. I really wondered if today would ever come. I just wasn't sure if this week was going to get here. I kept praying for Sunday, for a new week, for a new start. Just take a little gander into the life of Juanita for a moment. Put yourself in my duck boots, if you will. I get my weekend (yay) and then I get sick:( Then I shovel my car out (holy moly, still sick) and go to work, President's Day weekend = full Hyatt, I check people in for half in hour then go in the back to sit down and catch my breath, repeat, my amazing manager let me off early to go to the doctor and the key won't start the ignition (cool, what do I do now?), after 15 minutes of trying and crying I finally get it to start, make it to the doctor just in time before they close, finally get some drugs (things are starting to look up here), straight to bed, the next morning I shovel around my car and proceed to start out the drive way (things start to go back down here), shovel some more, attempt to back out, repeat, my roommate comes outside to find me struggling and late to work and attempts to help push me out and we fail, I get a ride to work, work, persuade valet for a ride home (having friends at work really pays off), and here's where the hoping and praying for Sunday begins. (Please disregard the punctuation in the sentence before. I realize it is an extremely long run-on and poorly worded sentence-graph.) Now, by the time I get home the driveway has already been shoveled and ready to go, thanks Taylor! I think to myself "Ok, no more snow in the driveway, no more sickness, we should be good to go now." However, I wake up this morning a little petrified of what might happen or what should go wrong today. To my pleasant suprise I made it to my car, into work, clocked in on time and all I encountered was a tree that decided to dump it's branch full of snow blessings on my head. I can deal with that. If that's all you got for me today, Mother Nature, I'm alright with that. So successful day, today. I knew it, a new week: a new start! I got a fresh start and I'm ready to roll. On to tomorrow. I'm ready for you, Monday.