Saturday, February 26, 2011

Mountain Life

It's been snowing like crazy up here. 6 feet to be exact. Oh don't worry about that....Yes I sank down to my waist just trying to make it to the car. This seriously brings a whole new meaning to the word blizzard. I understand no one here would consider the last couple of days a blizzard...but I did! It was nuts! I'm completely serious when I say I've never seen this much snow in my entire life. In fact, this is our deck. Lucy usually goes out the to play, not today! We opened the door and she took one look outside before turning around and going downstairs. I reckon that's just a little too much for her to frolick in. She might get lost in all that.
Below you'll find my way out the front door. Before Adam so kindly shoveled it, I had to jump up in the snow, sink, jump to my next step, sink, and repeat until I got to the driveway. I love this, I really do. But, this much snow makes me thankful for the boots I got for Christmas. If I didn't have those boots and snow pants I'd be s.o.l. Before the snow shoveling takes place it literally is so funny to manuveur you're way around in the snow. I seriously felt like I was wading through the snow. I thought it was absolutely hilarious. Those who had been here in the snow before didn't find it quite as funny, more so annoying. Oh well, here's where my simple mind comes into good use and I find joys in life's simple things.

You'll see how the path continues and it's like walking through a maze. At home they have corn mazes for Halloween and it's a blast. I think snow mazes would be a hit, just a thought.

So it's really worked out that each time it's snowed, I conveniently have off work the next day. That means I can put off shoveling around my car. The other convenient thing is that when I have off, my roommates still have to work. So while I'm busy sleeping in, they get to do a little snow removal dance. Then, when I wake up all the snow is magically gone from our driveway...With the exception of on top of my car which fills the driveway back up upon knocking it off the top. That part I am responsible for shoveling. I would normally feel bad for not pitching in, but I live with a bunch of dudes. They shovel snow. I make them cupcakes. We call it even. That's the really great thing about living with a bunch of guys. They take great care of me. I'm like the little sister in the house. I'll be honest - I was a little hesitant at first, but it's worked out so well.  They're all really great guys and work at the Hyatt, too. It's nice because they've helped me with my car, gotten me acquainted with this snowy mountain life, and when we all go out I never have to worry about creepers...There are four guys who've got my back and won't let a thing happen to me. I think they all secretly like having a girl around, too. The house stays a little cleaner, I make cookies and cupcakes all the time, and I've given out girl advice. Needless to say, I quite enjoy living in the "frat house."

Today Rachel and I braved Mt. Rose and headed down to Reno. So the morning started off with Starbucks and then we put on the chains. Interesting how Rachel and I are the two most unlikely mountain women out there putting on chains and braving the snow. Go us! We weren't sure how the roads were and would rather be safe than sorry. Half way up the mountain though, we decided it'd be better just to take them off. The roads here are kept pretty clear and we were quite impressed with Mt. Rose Highway. It also was a beautiful drive. Now that the snow storm has passed, we're left with all the snow and blue skies. Such a beautiful sight!

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