Monday, February 21, 2011

I'm baaaaaaaack

Since I've been out of commission a was Mama's BIRTHDAY last week. Happy Birthday Mom! I love you and I wish I could have been there to celebrate with you, at least I got to wish you happy birthday over the phone!

It's been snowwwwing here, snowing like crazy! Well, not so much anymore but it did snow for three days. We have so much snow here now and I love it! There's so much snow that if this happened in Georgia the whole state would shut down and no one would know what to do. It'd be a white blanket of nothingness on the road, empty grocery store shelves, and snowball fights everywhere. I was even off of work for the two days it was snowing. How awesome, right? Wrong. I was sick. Poor, poor, pitiful me. Just kidding, I'm much better now and feeling like a champ. Since I missed my powder days last week I'll knock em out this week when I'm off. I'm excited to hit the slopes after the snow-hopefully it won't hurt so bad when I (ever so often and ungracefully) fall. Maybe it'll feel like marshmallows under my behind, I'll let you know on that. Although I was posted up in bed for the better part of my "weekend," I was able to make it outside for a hot minute and experience this snowflake miracle! Lucy even enjoyed the snow....and how she manages to find the pine cones in all this, I have no idea.
She loves pine cones. You don't even have to throw them for her, she tosses them around on here own. Isn't she precious?! Although I felt terrible this day I made it outside with my hot tea in hand and made it down the hill for a sled ride. Pretty amazing, I'll admit. In this much snow even 22 year olds have a playground. It was awesome! I'm really excited about my days off  this week so I can play in the snow all day. I'm completely serious.

Don't get me wrong, it's so pretty while it's snowing and I do like watching it fall. But I like it a lot better when it's stopped and settled on the ground. That way when I shovel my car out of multi feet of snow, I don't have to do it again. And again. And again. One time is good. As much as I like the snow here, shoveling it out of the way is a pain in the rear end. And in the back. I never realized before quite how hard it would be shovel out my car until I did it and did it while I was sick. No bueno. However, it's a pretty good workout. You can't move out here and not stay active, even daily tasks lead to cardio.

Last week was quite a week. I really wondered if today would ever come. I just wasn't sure if this week was going to get here. I kept praying for Sunday, for a new week, for a new start. Just take a little gander into the life of Juanita for a moment. Put yourself in my duck boots, if you will. I get my weekend (yay) and then I get sick:( Then I shovel my car out (holy moly, still sick) and go to work, President's Day weekend = full Hyatt, I check people in for half in hour then go in the back to sit down and catch my breath, repeat, my amazing manager let me off early to go to the doctor and the key won't start the ignition (cool, what do I do now?), after 15 minutes of trying and crying I finally get it to start, make it to the doctor just in time before they close, finally get some drugs (things are starting to look up here), straight to bed, the next morning I shovel around my car and proceed to start out the drive way (things start to go back down here), shovel some more, attempt to back out, repeat, my roommate comes outside to find me struggling and late to work and attempts to help push me out and we fail, I get a ride to work, work, persuade valet for a ride home (having friends at work really pays off), and here's where the hoping and praying for Sunday begins. (Please disregard the punctuation in the sentence before. I realize it is an extremely long run-on and poorly worded sentence-graph.) Now, by the time I get home the driveway has already been shoveled and ready to go, thanks Taylor! I think to myself "Ok, no more snow in the driveway, no more sickness, we should be good to go now." However, I wake up this morning a little petrified of what might happen or what should go wrong today. To my pleasant suprise I made it to my car, into work, clocked in on time and all I encountered was a tree that decided to dump it's branch full of snow blessings on my head. I can deal with that. If that's all you got for me today, Mother Nature, I'm alright with that. So successful day, today. I knew it, a new week: a new start! I got a fresh start and I'm ready to roll. On to tomorrow. I'm ready for you, Monday.

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